December 1, 2021, 10.45–11.45 (Moscow) 1 декабря 2021 г., 14.45–15.45 (Tomsk) |
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Achyutha Krishnamoorthy, Professor, CMS College, India Plenary talk «Reliability Inventory» Professor of Applied Mathematics, Department of Maths., Cochin University of Science & Technology. Member of the Technical Advisory / Programme Committee of several International Conferences and Workshops held abroad; has so far organized 12 (3 National and 9 international) conferences & workshops at Cochin University of Science & Technology |
December 1, 2021, 11.45–12.45 (Moscow) 1 декабря 2021 г., 15.45–16.30 (Tomsk) |
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Konstantin Samuylov, Director of Institute of Applied Mathematics & Communications Technology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia Plenary talk «Evolution of Erlang Loss Formula» Since 2014 Konstantin Samuylov is a head of the Applied Probability and Informatics Department, and since 2017 he also holds the position of Director of Applied Mathematics and Communications Technology Institute (IAM&CT) at the RUDN University. He was visiting professor/professor-research at Lappeenranta University of Technology and Helsinki University of Technology (Aalto), Finland; Moscow Technical University of Telecommunications and Informatics, Russia; Moscow International Higher Business School (Mirbis), Russia; University of Pisa, Italy. He was a member of the ITU-T SG11 and IFIP TC6 WG 6.7. He has worked in a number of R&D projects within different frameworks, e.g., COST IRACON, projects of Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), TEKES (Finland) and companies including Nokia, Telecom Finland, VTT, Rostelecom, etc. He is a member of editorial boards and reviewer of several scientific journals. He is co-chair and TPC member of several international conferences. His current research interests include applied aspects of probability theory and stochastic processes, queuing and teletraffic theory, performance analysis of 5G/5G+ networks, resource allocation in heterogeneous wireless networks, social networks and big data analysis. He has authored and co-authored over 150 scientific and conference papers and six books. Prof. Samouylov’s honors include the 2018 IEEE GLOBECOM Conference Best Paper Award. |
December 2, 2021, 07.00–08.00 (Moscow) 2 декабря 2021 г. 11.00–12.00 (Tomsk) |
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Dr. Shahjahan Khan, Professor of Statistics School of Sciences University of Southern Queensland, Australia Plenary talk «Impact of Computing and Data Revolution on Research, Science and Society» Presentation «Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics» Professor Shahjahan Khan, PhD is the founding Professor of Statistics at the University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Australia. He also taught at University of Western Ontario, Canada; King Fahd University of Petroleum and Mineral, Saudi Arabia; University of Bahrain, Bahrain; Sultan Qaboos University, Oman; and Dhaka University, Bangladesh. He is the founding Chief Editor of Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics (JAPS) since 2005, was an elected member of USQ Academic Senate/Board, 2012-18; and has supervised 10 PhD and MPhil 3 students, and examined 19 external PhD theses. He is an Elected Fellow of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences; Fellow, Royal Statistical Society, UK; Elected Member, International Statistical Institute, Netherlands; Member of Institute of Mathematical Statistics, USA, Life Members of ISOSS and Bangladesh Statistical Association; Member of Statistical Society of Australia; Member, Toowoomba District Health Scientific Review Committee. Recipient of Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award 2018, Queensland Police Service Award, USQ Publication Excellence Award, Queensland Cultural Diversity Ambassador Award, Q M Hossain Gold Medal of Bangladesh Statistical Association, USQ Vice-Chancellor’s Award of Excellence for Community Service; ISOSS Gold Medal for outstanding research and contributions in development of ISOSS. |
December 3, 2021, 14.00–15.00 (Moscow) 3 декабря 2021 г., 18.00–19.00 (Tomsk) |
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Imperial College, London, United Kingdom Plenary talk «Optimization of Energy Consumption in Computer and Communication Systems» Erol Gelenbe, a Fellow of IEEE, ACM and IET (UK), is a Professor in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Imperial College. Professor Gelenbe has contributed pioneering research concerning the performance of multiprogramming computer systems, virtual memory management, data base reliability optimisation, distributed systems and network protocols. He carried out some of the first work on adaptive control of computer systems, and published seminal papers on the performance optimisation of computer network protocols and on the use of diffusion approximations for network performance. He developed new product form queueing networks with negative customers and triggers known as G-networks. He also introduced a new spiked stochastic neural network model known as the random neural network, developed its mathematical solution and learning algorithms, and applied it to both engineering and biological problems. His inventions include the design of the first random access fibre-optics local area network, a patented admission control technique for ATM networks, a neural network based anomaly detector for brain magnetic resonance scans, and the cognitive packet network routing protocol to offer quality of service to users. According to the Mathematics Genealogy project, Professor Gelenbe has graduated over 72 PhD students, placing him in the Top50 worldwide – all time – PhD supervisors in the mathematical sciences. |
Conference video recordings
01.12.2021. Opening ceremony
02.12.2021. Plenary talk «Impact of Computing and Data Revolution on Research, Science and Society» Dr. Shahjahan Khan, Professor of Statistics School of Sciences University of Southern Queensland, Australia
Presentation «Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics» Dr. Shahjahan Khan, Professor of Statistics School of Sciences University of Southern Queensland, Australia
02.12.2021. Lecture for young scientists «Технология IAB для сетей 5G+ и другие текущие задачи 3GPP» Dmitry Molchanov, Tampere University, Finland Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia. 1
02.12.2021. Lecture for young scientists «Технология IAB для сетей 5G+ и другие текущие задачи 3GPP» Dmitry Molchanov, Tampere University, Finland Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Russia. 2
03.12.2021. Lecture for young scientists «Reconfigurable computing environments for image processing» Dmitry Shashev, National Research Tomsk State University, Russia
Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate in the
20th International Conference named after A. F. Terpugov
Venue: National Research Tomsk State University, 634050, Lenina av. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation
Form: online/offline.
Conference Organizers:
Tomsk State University
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
Karshi State University
Conference Objectives:
– to discuss the latest research and hands-on results in the field of information technologies and mathematical modelling;
– to integrate scientific knowledge and practice;
– to define important advanced long-term directions of scientific research and practical developments;
– to enhance the role of higher educational institutions and scientific research organizations in establishing educational environment.
Topics of the conference:
- Informational technologies and software engineering.
- Telecommunication networks modelling.
- Data analysis and visualization methods.
- Mathematical teletraffic theory and queueing theory.
- Mathematical and computer modelling in engineering, natural science, economics, education, humanities and other fields.
- Intelligent systems and robotics.
This list does not limit the possibility of discussing other research areas.
Working languages: Russian and English.
Conference Web-site:
Conference papers
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Previous ITMM proceedings on SpringerLink The revised selected papers in Probability and Statistics will be published in «Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics» Publication in the Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics is paid separately. Publication cost - 200 dollars. Payment is made after the journal is notified of the acceptance of the paper.
Important dates
November 30, 2021: acceptance decision.
December 1-5, 2021: Conference days.
December 15, 2021: final date for uploading extended papers for CCIS volume.
January 15, 2022: decision about acceptance of extended papers for CCIS volume.
Organization fee
Participation with short paper in the Conference Proceedings – 2 000 RUB per paper, for foreign participants – 25 dollars.
Participation with extended paper in CCIS volume – 5 000 RUB per paper, for foreign participants – 75 dollars.
Detail information about how to pay will be available after submissions acceptance.
Organization fee
International Program Committee
Anatoly Nazarov (Russia) – co-chair
Khalid Al-Begain (Kuwait) Ivan Atencia (Spain) Pedro Cabral (Portugal) Pau Fonseca i Casas (Spain) Srinivas Chakravarthy (USA) Bong Dae Choi (Korea) Tadeusz Czachorski (Poland) Rui Dinis (Portugal) Dmitry Efrosinin (Austria) Mais Farhadov (Russia) Yulia Gaydamaka (Russia) Erol Gelenbe (Poland) Alexander Gortsev (Russia) Bara Kim (Korea) Che Soong Kim (Korea) Udo Krieger (Germany) Achyutha Krishnamoorthy (India) Krishna Kumar (India) Quan-Lin Li (China) Yury Malinkovsky (Belarus) Agassi Melikov (Azerbaijan) Alexander Moiseev (Russia) Tareq Hamadneh (Jordan) Azam Imomov (Uzbekistan) |
Svetlana Moiseeva (Russia) Dmitri Moltchanov (Finland) Paulo Montezuma-Carvalho (Portugal) Evsey Morozov (Russia) Valery Naumov (Finland) Rein Nobel (The Netherlands) Michele Pagano (Italy) Tuan Phung-Duc (Japan) Jacques Resing (The Netherlands) Vladimir Rykov (Russia) Konstantin Samuylov (Russia) Sergey Suschenko (Russia) Janos Sztrik (Hungary) Henk Tijms (The Netherlands) Oleg Tikhonenko (Poland) Gurami Tsitsiashvili (Russia) Vladimir Vishnevsky (Russia) Anton Voitishek (Russia) Vladimir Zadorozhny (Russia) Alexander Zamyatin (Russia) Andrey Zorin (Russia) Amdjed Zraiqat (Jordan) Mohammad Ahmad Alia (Jordan) Stanislav Shidlovskiy (Russia) |
Local Organizing Committee
Svetlana Moiseeva (TSU, Tomsk) – chair
Azam Imomov (Karshi State University, Karshi) – co-chair
Svetlana Paul (TSU, Tomsk) – co-chair
Ekaterina Lisovskaya (TSU, Tomsk) – co-chair
Valentina Broner (TSU, Tomsk) Elena Danilyuk (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Fedorova (TSU, Tomsk) Irina Kochetkova (RUDN, Moscow) Ivan Lapatin (TSU, Tomsk) Andrey Larionov (ICS RAS, Moscow) Olga Lizura (TSU, Tomsk) |
Anna Morozova (TSU, Tomsk) Ekaterina Pankratova (ICS RAS, Moscow) Svetlana Rozhkova (TPU, Tomsk) Daria Semenova (SFU, Krasnoyarsk) Maria Shklennik (TSU, Tomsk) Alexey Shkurkin (TSU, Tomsk) Konstantin Voytikov (MIPT, Moscow) Dmitry Shashev (TSU, Tomsk) |
Organizing committee contact information:
Address: Tomsk State University, Institute of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 634050, Lenina ave. 36, Tomsk, Russian Federation